How To Make Youtube Channel Without Recording Anything

Earn $10000/Month Without Recording And Free Content

Welcome to our free guide on How to make $10000/Month without recording any videos.In this guide we are explaining the best way to make money with youtube without recording any videos.

All you need to follow the step by step process. Making money with youtube channel is a dream for some people, but it happens with the method that we have used.

We cannot start a youtube channel without videos.Making videos is very hard for those people who are new in this field. Finding the best niche is an another important and hard thing.

But, in this guide we are going to share how to make Youtube videos without recording anything. All you need to do is creating the content in image format and put all those images slide by slide and make it as a video with the help of a Free Video Making Software.

Also We need to add the voice clips in this videos using text to speech software. This is the way some people in Youtube making thousands of dollars every month. We can show you some youtube channels you is making more than $10000/month.

Find And Select Niche

The niche you’ll be targeting is the foundation of a YouTube business. In order to feed the right video content to your audience, you must first know who is your audience. You can’t just upload random videos and hope for the best. Every video has to have a purpose and an intent.

Many people already know what their niche will be when making the decision to start a YouTube channel because they want to focus on something they usually do. For example, if you’re an artist, you know that you want your channel to be about art. If you have Photoshop skills, you know you want to teach people how to use Photoshop.

Some Profitable Niche

Gaming, Product Reviews, Tutorials, Story time Videos, Vlogs, Food, Fashion, Beauty, Weight loss & Healthy Living, Travel, Animals, How To’s

For this type of channel we suggest to pic a topic that about “How To or Tips”

The YouTube Channels That Makes Money By Doing This

Channel: The Talko 6KZHXs1g

See Their earnings Below

There are so many channels on youtube who makes millions of dollars. Simply search on youtube and you can see that..

Step 1: Finding Content For Video

Finding content for our video is very simple. We don’t need to create our own content. We can use the content for our video that is freely available on internet.

For example: If we are trying to create video about health tips, the we can search it on google and copy paste the content from different websites.

Step 2:Create Images Slide

This is the first step that we need to do. Create At least 15 Image slides with your Content. For this we can use a free online tool called . In this website we can create content with multiple designs,

Step by step process of designing in Canva

See Example Slide Below:

Step 3 Create Background Audio Clips.

The next step is creating audio clips of the same texts on the slides. For this we are using a professional software called Speechlo . This is the best software that convert the texts to an audio clip with the format of mp3. We need to download it.
Speechlo is a not a free software and we need to buy in order to make audio clips for our videos. It just cost around $50 (One time fee) . Buy Speechlo Here.
Read Speechlo Review

Step 4: Create Video By Merging Images And Audios

This is the last step in creating our Youtube videos for your channel. For creating videos, there is free Video Editing Software Called “Open Shot Video Editor”. Download the video editor and install in your computer. Go to
Watch This Video Tutorial Of Merging images and audios using this software.

Now have got your video. Upload your video to your youtube channel. This is the exact way which other people are making millions of dollars. Try to make and upload videos constantly.

Final Words:
This is the exact and smart way to make thousands of dollars every month. It will only cost you 50 dollars. That is for life time. If you really want to make money from your home, then go ahead.

Additional Recommended Tools:

Automatic Thumbnail Generator
Rank Your Videos 1st In Google And Youtube

How To Make $512 In 12 Minutes


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