Different Types Of Bets In Roulette Game

Types Of Bets In Roulette Game

1.The Straight Up: You bet one or more numbers by placing your bet on that or those numbers on the layout. If your number or one of your numbers should hit you win 35 to 1 on that number. The house edges: American double-zero wheel, 5.26 percent; the European single-zero wheel, 2.70 percent.

2. Split Bet : This bet is placed on more than one number by placing your chip(s) on the line between two numbers. The payoff if either number hits is 17 to 1. The house edges are 5.26 for the American double-zero wheel and 2.70 for the single-zero European wheel.

3. THE STREET BET, OR THREE NUMBER BET OR “SIDE BET” OR THE TRIO: You’d think with all these titles for the bet that it would pay off at thousands to one. Nope. It is merely a bet on three numbers. You make the bet by placing your chips on the outside border of the three numbers. A winning bet pays off at 11 to1. The house edge on the American double-zero wheel is 5.26 percent and it is 2.70 percent on the single-zero European wheel.

4. THE CORNER, THE SQUARE, THE FOUR NUMBER BET : The bet is that one of four selected numbers will win. The bet can only be accepted if the four numbers form a square and, of course, being clever someone named the bet the Square. The bet is placed on the intersection where all four numbers meet. A winning bet pays 8 to 1. The house edge on the American double-zero wheels is 5.26 percent and it is 2.70 percent on the single-zero European wheels.

5. THE FIVE NUMBER BET: This bet is only found on the American double-zero wheels. It incorporates five numbers: the 0, 00, 1, 2 and 3. A winning wager is paid at 6 to 1. The house edge (hold onto your heart) 7.89 percent! If you want to bet those five numbers you are better off just placing a chip or chips on each number and that will bring the house edge back down to 5.26 percent.

6. THE LINE BET, OR SIX NUMBER BET, OR SIXLINE BET : You place this bet on the outside borders of the six numbers you wish to bet on. The bet pays off at 5 to 1. The house edge on the American double-zero wheels is 5.26 percent and it is 2.70 percent on the single-zero European wheels.

7. OUTSIDE PROPOSITION BETS: You are wagering that one of the columns of numbers on the layout will have the winning number. You place this number at the bottom of the column that you think will win. A winning bet is paid 2 to 1. The 0 or 00 are not a part of either column so if these two show the wager is lost. The house edge on the American double-zero wheels is 5.26 percent and 2.70 percent on the single-zero European wheels.

8. THE DOZENS BET : The bet is whether one of a dozen numbers on the layout will hit. These are not a dozen consecutive numbers on the wheel; they are strictly layout numbers. You place this bet on First Dozen, Second Dozen or Third Dozen. You can bet two of the dozens. The payout is 2 to 1. Again the 0 and 00 will cause your bet to lose. The house edge on the American double-zero wheels is 5.26 percent and 2.70 percent on the single-zero European wheels.

9. THE ODD OR EVEN BET : To be placed on either the Odd or Even section of the layout. There are 18 odd numbers and 18 even numbers. Neither the 0 or 00 count for either bet and if one of them hits the house wins. The winning bet is paid even money which means one to one. The house edge on the American double-zero wheels is 5.26 percent and 2.70 percent on the single-zero European wheels.

10. HIGH OR LOW BET: This bet is placed on either the 1 to 18 or the 19 to 36 section of the layout. Once again if the 0 or 00 shows, the bet loses. Payoff is even money (one to one). The house edge on the American double-zero wheels is 5.26 percent and 2.70 percent on the single-zero European wheels.

11.RED OR BLACK BET: This is another even-money bet that you can pick the color of the number that will hit. The house edge on the American double-zero wheels is 5.26 percent and 2.70 percent on the single-zero European wheel.


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